
Experience Massage Therapy’s Healing Effect on Injuries

Injuries can be inconvenient (twisting an ankle during your daily run) or they can be traumatic (getting in a car accident on the freeway). But all injuries, no matter the cause, can be painful. And that pain is so frustrating when it prevents you from living a full life. Firefly’s massage therapy services can help relieve injury pain, restore muscle function, and return you to normal life!

Here are some of massage’s therapeutic benefits when you’re recuperating from an injury:

  • Supports the healing process

Massage strokes improve circulation. This allows the bloodstream to get oxygen and nutrients to the muscles or tissues that are injured, which can help promote faster healing and reduce swelling at the injury site.

  • Relaxes muscles and tissues to relieve pain

Let’s say you got in a car accident, and it caused a muscle sprain in your neck. A few days later, your shoulders and back also start hurting. That’s because even though they weren’t directly affected in the accident, those areas are connected to the neck and can suffer the effects of the sprain. You may also be unknowingly tensing your muscles if you’re favoring the injured body part to prevent painful movement. Massage relaxes the muscles, tendons, and tissues of the body to release that tension. 

  • Encourages a full range of motion

As massage releases muscle tension, your body will find more freedom to move normally again. This is why athletes often use massage therapy to counteract the effects of overuse of certain muscle groups.

  • Improves the appearance of scars

Gentle massage can help break down scar tissue as it forms in the weeks and months after an injury. Massage should only be done after the wound has healed and closed up, and scabs have fallen off.

  • Eases emotional and mental stress

A devastating accident, or injuries that keep you from your daily activities, can take a toll psychologically as well as physically. Massage is wonderful for relieving stress and clearing the mind.

You don’t want to start massage right away after an acute injury, such as sprains or strains. Instead, wait two to three days, and during that time try R.I.C.E.: rest, ice packs, compression, and elevating the injured area as much as possible. You’ll also want to talk with your doctor about when you can start massage therapy if you have a wound, nerve injury, or recently underwent surgery, among other health factors.

Firefly’s massage therapists are experts at personalizing your treatment. They can work with you if you’re recovering from injury and combine techniques—such as Swedish, deep tissue, or neuromuscular massage—to help you feel your best. Do you need the healing power of massage? Book an appointment online, or call us at (619) 693-8568 to discuss how we can help you.

Experience Massage Therapy’s Healing Effect on Injuries

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