New to Massage? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’ve scheduled an appointment for your first-ever massage, you’re in for a real treat. Massage therapy can relieve painful joints, soothe tired muscles, promote relaxation, ease common symptoms of aging—and it feels just plain amazing! But mixed with your anticipation for the treatment may be an undercurrent of confusion. Should you bring anything? Do you need to prepare? Do you tip your therapist? At Firefly, we want you to relax and enjoy your massage, so here are some things to know about common spa etiquette.

    • Speak up. Prior to getting a massage, let your therapist know about any health issues you have, as well as any areas of your body that need particular attention. We will have you fill out a health questionnaire before your massage session, and your therapist will ask you about chronic pain or areas you want to focus on. It’s also important to mention any allergies so your therapist can avoid using an oil or lotion that could trigger a reaction. Finally, if at any point during the massage you feel an area is too tender or painful, let your therapist know; they should be asking if you want more or less pressure as they are massaging you, too.
    • At Firefly Wellness, we want to make sure you are ready and relaxed so you can fully enjoy your treatment. As you check-in for your appointment, you will be offered tea, wine or a mint to get all of your senses activated during your spa experience.
    • Don’t settle for a cookie-cutter massage. At Firefly, we understand that every client’s body is different, and we customize each and every treatment. For instance, a single massage can include Swedish massage, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue techniques.
    • You don’t have to strip down if you don’t want to. If you’d prefer to keep your underwear on during the treatment, let your therapist know. That’s totally fine, but you can be assured that our therapists are professionals who are trained to maintain your privacy by exiting the room while you change, and they keep your body strategically covered with a towel or blanket during the massage.
    • Be comfortable. Don’t worry about dressing up for your appointment. Wear loose, relaxed clothes, skip the makeup, and leave the jewelry at home.
    • Let your therapist be your guide. The whole point of a massage is to let you unwind and relax, so don’t worry about having to “do” anything. Your therapist will tell you how to position yourself on the table and when to turn over, and will gently move your legs, arms, and any other body part during the massage. The only thing you need to do is give yourself over to the experience.
    • We encourage you to tip your therapist if you enjoyed your experience. Standard tips are around 20% of the treatment fee. If you plan on tipping, you can include this on your credit card transaction. We have small envelopes on our front counter if you prefer to leave your tip in cash.
    • Give yourself time to savor the massage. It’s not ideal to cram a massage in during your lunch hour at work, or right before you have to pick the kids up from school. Make the appointment when you have time in your schedule to settle in before the treatment, hydrate afterwards, and hang onto that post-massage bliss.
    • Afterwards, be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and give yourself time to transition back to the “real world.” Self-care means putting yourself first so be sure to schedule your next appointment before you leave.

There’s no better place for your first massage than Firefly. Contact us to learn more about our treatments, ask any questions, and schedule an appointment for your first massage—we bet it won’t be your last one!

New to Massage? Here’s What You Need to Know