
Your Nighttime Skincare Guide

There are countless nighttime skin care routines out there and the choices can seem overwhelming. One on the end, you’ve got a simple bar of soap and a splash of water. On the other end, you’ve got a 10-step, multi-product process popularized by Korean beauty influencers and skincare companies. And in between those two? Well, there’s just about everything.

Many of my clients want a nighttime routine that’s streamlined but still delivers terrific results (and a gorgeous glow!). Here are my recommendations for your nightly beauty regimen, with products you can find right here at Firefly!

STEP 1: Makeup Removal

You need a clean canvas for your nightly potions and lotions to work their magic while you sleep. That means your complexion needs a gentle, yet thorough, cleansing. Start by removing makeup, as well as dirt and oil on the skin’s surface, with Makeup Removing Wipes. Nourishing vitamin E calms and soothes skin, and these wipes can erase even the most stubborn mascara and eyeliner.

STEP 2: Cleanser

Now it’s time to get down to business. This step is all about removing the grime, dead skin cells, and oil buildup that can clog pores and cause breakouts. The lactic acid and aloe vera in Facial Wash act as mild exfoliants while also calming and soothing the skin. Facial Wash is my go-to for almost all skin types and can be massaged into a light, foaming lather. (It can even be used to remove makeup!) However, for those clients who are more on the dry side and might not like a foaming cleanser, I love to recommend Creamy Cleanser instead. The rosehip seed oil and yucca extract won’t over-strip the skin, but leave your complexion feeling like you’ve got a clean slate.

STEP 3: Toner

Don’t skip this step! A toner refreshes with all kinds of good ingredients to prep the skin for the next products in your skincare routine. Pumpkin and wine are a winning combination in the Nutrient Toner because they exfoliate and improve the appearance of pores.

STEP 4: Serum

Serums may be lightweight in texture, but they’re skincare heavyweights for providing incredible moisture. Hyaluronic Acid Boosting Serum offers deep hydration, and encourages the skin’s own production of hyaluronic acid. The result: A dewy-looking complexion with a supple feel and a diminished appearance of fine lines. Another excellent serum to use at night is Resveratrol Restorative Complex. The resveratrol in this nighttime serum is a strong antioxidant that helps with anti-aging and promotes collagen production.

The great thing about serums is that you don’t have to limit yourself to just one! A little trick I love when applying multiple serums (especially on those nights when I’m tired and just want to get into bed) is to apply them at the same time. You can mix one pump of each on your hand on top of each other and then apply them together.

STEP 5: Eye Cream

The skin in the eye area is extra delicate and sensitive, so you want to use a product specially formulated to treat it. Ideal Complex: Revitalizing Eye Gel  glides over your skin with a silky consistency. Try it for dark circles, puffiness, saggy skin, or fine lines. One thing I love about this eye gel is that it can also be applied on the eyelids to help tighten the skin on the upper eye.

STEP 6: Moisturizer

A luxurious night cream is the perfect finishing touch to your skincare routine. Everything about your skin looks better when it’s well-moisturized: the texture is softer and smoother, the tone is firmer, and there’s a youthful plumpness that reduces the look of lines and wrinkles. I like Silkcoat Balm because the antioxidants and silk proteins make it ideal for any skin type, especially complexions that are mature or tend to be dry.

STEP 7: Nighttime Treatment Boosters

For anyone who wants to show their complexion a little extra love with specialty treatments, the Hyaluronic Acid Overnight Mask is a lovely add-on. Apply it over your serums and moisturizer to lock in all that nourishing goodness and add an extra layer of hydration and rejuvenation overnight. This mask enhances the skin’s natural regeneration process, while its botanical extracts encourage deep, restful sleep. Finally, don’t forget your lips! Another nighttime treatment add-on is the Hyaluronic Acid Lip Booster. This lip booster has peptides that hydrate and plump the lips while you sleep.

You can purchase all of these products at Firefly’s online shop. Want more personalized recommendations? Contact us and we’ll set up a skincare consultation and come up with a treatment plan for you. Once you have the right nighttime skincare products, your skin will look like a dream!​

Your Nighttime Skincare Guide

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