
5 Yoga Poses for Better Posture

We look and feel better when we stand and sit up straight, but we can hit a literal slump when we sit at computers for too long, drive a car, or slouch on the couch while watching TV. 

Good posture contributes to good health. Some of the benefits of maintaining a neutral spine that keeps your body in balance:

  • Tension relief in the neck and shoulders (and fewer stress headaches, too!)
  • Less lower back pain
  • Reduced wear and tear on hip joints
  • Better blood flow and digestion
  • Stronger core muscles
  • Stress relief—good posture expands the lungs so you can take deep, cleansing breaths

And, of course, you look more statuesque and slim when your posture is in alignment. (That’s why your mom always told you to stand up straight when you were a teen!) 

Practicing good posture is terrific for your overall well-being, and luckily, it’s an easy health habit to maintain and establish with some simple yoga postures. Here are some of my favorites that are simple to do—try them in the morning after you get out of bed to give your body a wonderful wake-up call, or take quick stretch breaks during the day, especially if you sit for long hours.


These tandem poses are great stretches, plus they help reinforce a straight, neutral spine that’s essential to good posture.

  • Start with your hands and knees on the floor, hip distance apart. Your hands should be under your shoulders, with a straight spine (that’s the neutral position).
  • Breathe in, and let your stomach drop as your back gently curves down, with your chest moving up and out. This is cow pose.
  • On the exhale, move into cat pose: Pressing your hands into the floor, gently push your spine up into a C shape and lower your head. Return to a neutral spine when you’re done.

Wide-Leg Forward Fold

You’ll feel taller and stronger after this pose, which lengthens the spine.

  • Stand with your feet apart, wider than your hips. Bring your hands behind your back and interlace your fingers.
  • Look up and lift your chest on the inhale, and then exhale, folding your body forward while letting your arms come overhead.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths or whatever feels comfortable, then gently rise back up while inhaling.


Your lower back bears the brunt of your weight when you’re sitting. Give it a much-needed break with a quick session of bridge pose.

  • Lay on your back, arms palms up at your side. Put the soles of your feet on the floor, hip distance apart, with your knees pointing up.
  • Breathe in and lift your hips towards the sky while pressing down with your feet and hands and keeping your shoulders on the floor. 
  • On the exhale, move down very slowly—don’t rush this part! As you practice this pose more, you can maintain the bridge for a few inhales/exhales before lowering your hips. 


It’s easy to hunch forward if you keep tension in the neck and shoulders. Release stress in those areas with this mini-version of a back bend.

  • Start on your knees, toes tucked under. Straighten your spine.
  • Press your hands on your lower back and then gently move the hips forward while tilting your chest, shoulders, and head back. (If you’re super bendy, you can hold onto your heels instead of keeping your hands on your low back.) Maintain this position for a few rounds of breath before slowly moving back to your starting position.


A strong core is essential for good posture. See how long you can maintain this pose, and keep holding your plank a little longer each time.

  • Put your hands on the floor underneath your shoulders. Lift your knees so that they’re hip width apart and you’re on your toes. 
  • You need to keep a long, straight line from your shoulders through your spine and to your hips. You have to engage your core muscles to make this happen. 

You can also wrap up any of these poses with a relaxing child’s pose for a fabulous sense of vitality

We promote wellness at Firefly with massage, acupuncture, and other wonderfully restorative services. If you want to expand your yoga practice from these posture poses, watch our free, 30-minute Sunrise Yoga class online. And remember to stand tall and proud!




5 Yoga Poses for Better Posture

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